
Pennsylvania 转移 and Articulation Center (PATRAC) 

The Pennsylvania 转移 and Articulation Center (PATRAC) was established to provide current and accurate information about course transferability and 的 college transfer process. PATRAC网站经常更新, and additional information pertaining to course transferability among 的 参与机构 会在可用时发布吗. 参观 PATRAC网站 了解更多. 

常见问题 a关于转帐流程 

How do I decide which college or university will be 的 best for me?

T在这里 are many factors to consider when choosing a four-year college. Listed below are some of 的 questions you may want to ask yourself when considering your options:

  • Does 的 institution offer 的 major you are considering? 
  • 你喜欢哪个地理位置? 
  • 入学要求是什么? 
  • 学杂费是多少? 
  • Are financial aid opportunities and scholarships available? 
  • 你想要城市环境还是乡村环境? 
  • 你喜欢大校园还是小校园?
  • 这所大学是经过认证的吗?? 
  • 学校的声誉如何? 
  • 学生/教师比例是多少? 
  • 如果需要,是否可以提供特殊帮助? 
  • 你想要多大尺寸的学生? 
  • 你想住在校内还是校外? 你想要有保障的转学住房吗? 
  • 你对兄弟会/姐妹会生活感兴趣吗?
  • Do you prefer a private, public, or religious college? 
  • Are t在这里 particular sports or activities you wish to participate in? 


Articulation agreements are formal agreements between LCCC and four-year colleges and universities. 这些协议确保, if you successfully follow a prescribed program of study at LCCC, you will generally be able to transfer to a participating college with full junior status. 你可以了解更多关于衔接协议的信息 在这里. 


有良好的计划和信息收集, most students should be able to transfer with 60-64 credits, 不包括发展性, 技术, 或者不可转让的信用. 我们建议使用课程比较指南, 通识教育检查表, 大学目录, and consultation with an academic advisor well in advance of your transfer plans.  

Many colleges prefer that you transfer with an associate degree, with some colleges requiring it. The articulation agreements we have in place with partnering four-year schools require a degree. 除了, many schools offer generous transfer scholarships to students transferring with a degree. 

However, we recognize that you may choose to transfer early. This depends to a great extent on your major at your transfer institution. Discuss your plans with an academic advisor to build a timetable that 使s sense for you. 

What grade point average do I need to transfer to a four-year college or university?

大多数大学要求至少2分.平均绩点不超过0分或平均绩点不超过C分. 通常是2.平均绩点5分或以上优先. 竞争性课程,如会计, 工商管理, 计算机科学, 教育, 工程学可能需要3分.0或更高. 

转移, you must be in good standing at LCCC and must have earned 的 minimum number of credits specified by your transfer college. 被大多数学校视为转学生, you must have earned between 12 and 30 credits at LCCC. 

To learn more about GPA requirements with schools LCCC has articulation agreements with, 你可浏览我们的 传输指南. 

我还没决定我的专业. 我应该在LCCC学习什么课程?

If you are undecided about your major but are fairly certain that you will eventually transfer to pursue a bachelorS度。s best to take courses that will satisfy 的 general 教育 requirements of your transfer institution. You can work closely with an advisor to determine which courses to take within 的se requirements. The Core Curriculum and General Education guides for various schools are available online. 

Are t在这里 scholarships available at four-year schools specifically 转学生?

是的! Many institutions offer scholarships specifically 转学生. 大多数都是“择优”, meaning that 的y require a specific GPA along with a minimum number of credits earned to apply. Many of 的se scholarships are for more than one semester and will require that students maintain a certain level GPA to continue 的ir eligibility. Some institutions have a scholarship application and deadline separate from that of financial aid, while o的r institutions review all transfer students for scholarship eligibility based on 的ir admission application. Contact 的 school early to find out any deadlines and applications you will need to submit. Many scholarship deadlines are in 的 spring semester, regardless of 的 semester in which 的 student transfers. 

看到 奖学金的机会 转学生.  

更多信息请发电子邮件 adviseme@riyutraining.com. 

What questions should I ask during my meeting with 的 four-year college transfer counselor?

Here are some questions you might want to ask 的 counselor from 的 four-year school you are considering: 

  • 可能会转移多少学分? 
  • How many additional credits are required to earn a four-year degree? 
  • 需要多少平均绩点? 
  • 毕业后有就业援助吗?
  • 入学要求是什么?
  • Are applications accepted at any time (rolling admissions) or only by a fixed deadline? 
  • Are high school grades and SAT scores required or preferred? 它们会被用来做录取决定吗? 
  • What support services and student activities are available? 
  • Is credit granted for CLEP, life experience, or cooperative 教育? 
  • D成绩可以转学吗? 
  • 每年有多少转学生被录取? 
  • Are t在这里 special programs or registration dates 转学生?  
  • 有没有对转学生不开放的课程? 
  • 学费和食宿费是多少? 
  • 申请经济资助的程序是什么? 
  • 教师可以与学生见面吗? 
  • 什么辅导援助是可用的? 
  • 班级有多大?? 
  • 有多少学生住在校园里?  
  • 转学生可以住校内宿舍吗? What opportunities are available for off-campus housing? 
  • 有停车位吗?? 


关于转移过程的问题? 联系你的学术顾问或发邮件 adviseme@riyutraining.com 


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